Environmental Sustainability

As the home to some of the best Los Angeles concerts, performances and award shows—including the American Music Awards and the Primetime Emmy Awards, Peacock Theater fully recognizes and accepts its responsibility to help improve local, economic, social and environmental conditions.

Since opening in 2007, Peacock Theater has taken a very proactive role in establishing and creating programs and initiatives to operate the theater in the most environmentally conscious way. The most effective ways Peacock Theater has accomplished and attained their 'Green Goals,' is by reducing waste, through recycling programs, purchasing biodegradable and non-toxic cleaning products, making energy efficiency a standard for best practice and investing in innovative sustainable technology like waterless urinals and solar panels.

In 2010, Crypto.com Arena became the first arena to develop an Environmental Management System (EMS) and achieve ISO 14001 certification and in 2013, the scope of the certification was revised to include Peacock Theater. This EMS has helped us identify our environmental priorities, set goals to guide decision making and provides tools to support employees in their efforts to meet their environmental goals in reducing the environmental impact of Crypto.com Arena's day to day operations.

In July 2018 we have successfully been able to stay ISO 14001 certified at both venues and recently transitioned to the new ISO 14001:2015 standard.

Environmental Policy

Crypto.com Arena and Peacock Theater are committed to giving the world reason to cheer. As such we aim to provide the best in Service Excellence which includes championing AEG 1EARTH, AEG’s environmental commitment to conduct business with the understanding that we are all part of 1EARTH.

We believe it’s every team member’s responsibility to always look for ways to go the extra inch to exceed our guests’ expectations and that includes environmental responsibility. That’s why we are committed to continually improving our environmental performance and linking our Environmental Policy to Spotlights on Service Excellence. Also, to align our efforts across the LA LIVE campus as one team in support of AEG 1EARTH.

Crypto.com Arena and Peacock Theater’s Environmental Policy commits us to:


  • We put safety first and are prepared for emergencies
  • We comply with all relevant environmental policies and regulations


  • We are responsive to environmental concerns and requests of our community, events, employees and guests


  • We share our environmental story to inspire our guests to join us in protecting the environment


  • We efficiently use materials and resources such as energy and water
  • We reduce waste and protect the environment through environmentally preferable purchasing, composting and recycling
  • We combat climate change by reducing emissions and using clean energy


  • We respect each other and our environment and work together as a team to ensure that future generations will be able to return for an ENCORE performance

r.Cup Program

Peacock Theater has partnered with r.World to bring the reusable r.Cup program to the Downtown Los Angeles venue. The launch of r.Cup means significant waste reduction and is an integral step in AEG’s ever-expanding sustainability program.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Get reusable r.Cups with drinks.
  2. Return the r.Cups to the clearly labeled r.Cup Bins.
  3. R.Cups are then sorted, sanitized, and then used again, again and again. They can be used hundreds of times!

Peacock Theater and Crypto.com Arena join the roster of AEG venues and festivals across the United States activating r.World reuse programs. For more information, follow @rworldreuse on social media or visit rworldreuse.com.

Waste Management, Waste Reduction & Recycling

Peacock Theater has a dynamic recycling program. The operations team works with our janitorial partner, ABM, to separate, collect and recycle cardboard, wood pallets, electronic waste, glass, plastic and aluminum beverage containers.


Throughout the year, Peacock Theater will be working to expand these programs and divert more waste from landfills to recycling. Working with our waste hauler NASA Services as well as the Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation to get their suggestions and/or recommendations on how to increase recycling and to ensure the theater is up to date on the best and most effective waste reduction and recycling programs are in place.

Single-Use Plastic Straw Removal

As of September 17th 2018 at Peacock Theater and October 1st 2018 at Crypto.com Arena all single-use plastic straws will officially be removed from our venues alongside our food and beverage partner Levy. Both venues will no longer provide plastic straws to guests who order beverages that traditionally have been served with a plastic single use straw, upon request paper straws will be provided. A limited number of plastic straws will be available to guests with special needs. The move away from single-use plastic straws is expected to remove over 500,000 plastic straws a year from ending up in landfills.

Peacock Theater, Crypto.com Arena and Levy will partner together to responsibly dispose of the single-use plastic straws currently in inventory at the venues. Unused straws will be donated to organizations representing individuals with special needs requiring the use of straws or will be recycled.

Energy Management

When it comes to controlling and managing our electrical consumption, Peacock Theater has the following policies in place:

  • Over 1,000 light fixtures at various points throughout the venue have been retrofitted to energy-efficient LED lights
  • Strict and proper management of interior and exterior lighting
  • Winter time economizer mode to cool the building overnight using one air handler as a heat exchanger as opposed to running a chiller.
  • During Summer months, starting building chillers to cool the building before high-demand times

Solar Panels

Peacock Theater currently has 832 solar panels installed on its rooftop. The photovoltaic (PV) solar electric system provided by Solar Panel Inc., has been installed to provide solar power and electricity in conjunction with Crypto.com Arena's 1,727 solar panels on its rooftop that also provide electricity for Peacock Theater. The total 346 kilowatt system will provide significant environmental offsets over the next 25 years including the elimination of over 10,000 tons of CO2, more than 27 tons of sulfur dioxide and over 33 tons of nitrous oxide, one of the principal greenhouse gases. The net clean energy benefits of the system equates to the environmental benefits of 170 acres of mature trees.

Waterfree Urinals

Peacock Theater has removed 91 one-gallon per flush urinals and installed 91 zero-gallons per use urinals created by Falcon Waterfree Technologies. The Falcon Watefree urinals are one of those rare products that save money and time while conserving natural resources.

As much as 5% of fresh water consumed is currently used to carry away urine. Each Falcon Waterfree urinal typically saves 40,000 gallons (151,000 liters) of fresh water per year. This water does not need to be transported to the urinal or away from it to the water treatment facility, saving energy. No energy need be used to treat this water, nor does it produce carbon dioxide emissions as a byproduct of its treatment. Finally, by reducing the load on treatment plants, the Falcon Waterfree system can reduce the need for costly water treatment capacity and reduce the incidence of overflow events at treatment facilities.

Cleaning Chemicals

Peacock Theater is committed to continually exploring environmentally preferred cleaning products that are certified 'Green' as part of their environmental goals as well as through their partner cleaning company, ABM Industries, Inc.'s corporate commitment to sustainability.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

There are a total of ten (10) Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations in the two parking facilities on the L.A. LIVE Campus which service Peacock Theater. The L.A. LIVE West Parking Garage has 6 charging stations (located at 1005 W. Chick Hearn Court, Los Angeles, CA 90015), and the LA LIVE East Parking Garage has 4 charging stations (located at 800 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90015).


Peacock Theater is proud to participate in AEG 1EARTH, AEG's corporate environmental sustainability program. Through AEG 1EARTH, we:

  • Exchange environmental best practices with other venues
  • Track our environmental performance on a monthly basis, measuring energy consumption, water usage, and waste diversion
  • Contribute to AEG's progress towards its 2020 Environmental Goals

To learn more about AEG’s sustainability efforts and progress towards its 2020 Environmental Goals, please visit the AEG 1EARTH website and read AEG’s Sustainability Report (PDF).

What You Can Do

We're doing our best to reduce our environmental impact and hope you will join us in our efforts. Here are a few tips to make your visit more environmentally friendly:

  • Consider walking, biking, taking public transit, or carpooling to avoid traffic, save on gas and parking, and reduce your carbon footprint. You can get directions from our getting here section.
  • Use only as many disposable items (e.g., paper towels, napkins, utensils) as you need